Feet are very important to us they carry all our weight on them but they are also the most neglected part of our body. The skin on our feet is dry as compared to rest of our body and also deprived of any oil glands. Dry feet can become a severe problem it can create cracks in your feet which can also lead to bleeding. So it’s better to take care of your feet as it is summer time and it’s time to show of those pretty flip flops and sandals but for that you need to make sure your feet are in perfect shape before you step out . Here are some home remedies to prevent and cure dry and cracked feet.
- Scrubbing: Scrubbing can help you get rid of dead and dry skin and make your feet smooth and crack free. Just take some luke warm water add some liquid soap into it and soak your feet in this for a few minutes, this will make your dead skin go loose. Then using pumice stone scrub your feet and get rid of all the dead skin. Then wash off your feet with clean water and dry them and apply some moisturizing cream on them. Cover your feet with clean soaks overnight. Repeat this daily for a few weeks and your cracked feet will heal.
- Lemon: Clean your feet by dipping them in luke warm water and ten drying them with a towel. Now make a paste of Vaseline and lemon juice, apply this paste on cracked parts of your feet and massage till it gets absorbed into your feet. Keep it overnight and wash off in the morning. Doing this two three times per week for a few weeks will help your feet become smooth.
- Paraffin Wax: Paraffin wax is really good for cracked feet and also softens your skin. Take some paraffin wax and add mustard oil into it. Heat this mixture in a pan or microwave till the wax doesn’t melt properly. Let it cool down and apply this paste on your feet and cover them with a pair of clean cotton socks. Leave it overnight and wash off in the morning. Repeat this remedy daily till the cracks in your feet start healing.
- Vegetable Oil: There are variety of vegetable oils present like olive oil, sesame oil etc which you can use for healing cracked feet. For best results use this before going to bed. First clean your feet by dipping them in water and then scrubbing them with a pumice stone. Apply vegetable oil on all cracked parts of your feet and leave it overnight. This will help heal your cracked feet.
- Coconut Oil: Coconut oil not only moisturizes your but it also protects them against any fungal and bacterial infections. You need to soak your feet in warm water for a few minutes and then scrub to remove dead skin. Apply coconut oil on your feet cover them with a pair of cotton socks and leave it overnight. Repeat this daily for a few weeks for smooth feet.