We all wish to have strong white well shaped nails. But due to excessive use of nail paints, constant use of water, dryness can lead to yellow and chipped nails. Nails are made of proteins called keratin. Often due to negligence and lack of proper care nails become brittle, start to break, don’t grow back easily, lacks color and consistency. Always use of high-end cosmetic brands does not give us healthy and strong nails and they develop pits and unevenness but there are some simple tips that can make nails stronger and longer.
- Lemon juice: Lemon acts as a bleaching agent that whitens your nails. Add lemon juice to a spoonful of almond oil which will make your nails stronger. Apply this to your nails and leave it overnight and you will see your nails growing stronger.
- Coconut Oil: Coconut Oil works as a great moisturizing agent as it consists of saturated fats and makes your nails stronger. Apply warm coconut oil on your nails and massage then gently into your nails and cuticles for a few minutes and this will improve blood circulation as well as moisturize it. Repeat this daily for a few weeks and you will get rid of brittle nails.
- Olive oil: Olive oil is another remedy that will moisturize your nails and make them stronger and also helps repair damage. Warm some olive oil and add a few drops lemon juice to it and apply it on your nails and let it dry, leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning. Repeat this remedy for a few weeks and you will see your nails getting smoother and stronger.
- Massage: Soak your hands in warm water for a few minutes and scrub it off using a scrubber or an old toothbrush, this will remove all the dead skin of your nails. Then massage your nails with some Vaseline or some other moisturizing cream for a few minutes till all the cream is not absorbed. Repeat this 2-3 times every week for three to four weeks . This will make your brittle nails stronger and healthier.