Well who doesn’t like beautiful and long hair. Some of us cut our hair short getting attracted by the cute short haircuts but then after a few days we start missing our long hair and want them to grow long faster. Hair growth is genetically related, for an average person hair grows around half an inch per month. But there are ways you can stimulate your hair growth and get thick and healthy hair.
- Diet: A healthy diet is very important for healthy hair. A diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Include a wide variety of foods in your diet milk, eggs, chicken, cheese, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, fruits. Make sure you do not have any nutritional deficiencies. Eating healthy will make your hair longer, healthy and shiny.
- Regular Trimming: You might think why to cut your hair when you want to grow it longer. But scissor is your best friend if you want your hair to be healthy and grow longer. You need to cut your dead ends as if you don’t take care of your split ends it might result in breakage and unhealthy hair which don’t grow long fast. Trimming half an inch every two to three months will help you grow long healthy hair.
- Oil Massages: Massaging your hair improves your blood circulation that stimulates your growth cells. A hot oil massage also relaxes you. Just take some almond oil, coconut oil or olive oil and heat it a little bit and rub it on your scalp for a few minutes and leave it overnight.
- Egg white: As eggs are full of protein, iron, sulphur and zinc they are great for hair. Just whip an egg and add a few drops of olive oil into it and make a paste, apply this mask on your hair for about 20 to 30 minutes. Then wash with cold water and shampoo your hair.
- Minimum Heat Treatment: Blow drying or straightening your hair daily makes them frizzy, dry and weak. They also become prone to breakage. Don’t iron or blow dry your hair daily and that will surely make a difference in your hair growth.