Feet are very important to us they carry all our weight on them but they are also the most neglected part of our body. The skin on our feet is dry as compared to rest of our body and also deprived of any oil glands. Dry feet can become a severe problem it can createRead More
Author: Jeniffer Balton
Five snacks that help you curb hunger and lose more weight
Most of us are afraid of using a weighing machine because we know it’s going to upset us. Its not that we have not tried to lose weight but those hunger pangs and cravings always pull us back. Obviously it is hard to do work and walk around feeling famished and to top that theRead More
Benefits of Turmeric for a flawless skin
Turmeric is the most widely used spice in India. It is more commonly called haldi. It has been used in Indian food and cuisines for centuries and it has now become a part of Indian culture. Turmeric is a dark yellow powder, it is earthly with a mustardy smell. Turmeric is not only great forRead More