Honey is used and appreciated all over the world. It is great in taste but also a rich source of carbohydrates and provides energy to our body. There are also numerous benefits of honey which makes it a very useful component for traditional medicines. Honey is a natural sweetener also it is low in calories, a tablespoon of honey only contains 65 calories. Honey also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The following are the health and beauty benefits of honey which makes it extremely useful:
1.Sugar Substitute: Honey contains both glucose and fructose and is a natural sweetener. It can be easily substituted for sugar. When honey is had by mixing with warm water it helps digest stored fat and helps you loose weight
2.Honey as antiseptic and antibacterial: Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties which prevents you against certain types of allergies. It is a known fact that honey helps alleviates cough even better than cough syrups just mix a tablespoon of honey and ginger juice and it helps prevents and cures cough. Honey helps in producing antioxidants and also helps you get immune to pollen.
3.Honey gives you energy: Honey is a rich source of carbohydrates which provides you with instant energy. It directly enters your blood stream and raises your blood sugar level which acts as an instant booster of energy. So whenever you feel tired or lethargic or tired instead of going for a carbohydrate drink try honey in lemonade or your regular tea which will act as an energy booster.
4.Honey for skin lightening: Honey is a great moisturizer and it is also a good bleaching agent. It also helps reduce acne, dead skin cells and other dark spots. You can take some honey and apply it on your face, neck and hands and leave it for a few minutes and then wash it off with water. Repeat this a few times every week for 3 to 4 weeks to get a clear flawless skin.
5.Honey as an exfoliator: As honey has a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which helps in cleansing and exfoliating your skin which helps remove dead skin and blackheads. Mix honey and baking soda, make a paste. Apply this mask on a clean face and leave for 2min to 3min and then rub it in circular motion for few more minutes and remove it after a few minutes.
6.Honey removes scars: Honey is a very good moisturizer and brings glow to your skin. It also lightens your skin color and due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties it helps in removing scars. Wash your face with warm water and pat it dry this will open your skin pores. Then massage your scars with honey and leave it for 15min to 20min then wash it water. Do not forget to rub ice on your after this as this will close your open pores.