Five top home remedies to remove old scars

Who doesn’t like a glowing and smooth skin and certainly who likes scars and blemishes that too on the face, as our face is the reflection of our personality. Removing scars and blemishes is even tougher than removing pimples. Pimples can be treated but the scars are very stubborn they do not go away easilyRead More

Home remedies to remove facial hair

Every woman loves a perfect and clear face without any unwanted facial hair. However the hair on face, neck, upper lip etc is a bit embarrassing and it also affects confidence of a person. Unwanted facial hair can be due to various reasons like hormone imbalance, use of medicines, pregnancy etc. Bleaching your face isRead More

Five Healthy midnight snack

Mid night snacking is something we have all done. We have all been there when it is late in the night, we are hungry and we go for something completely full of carbs and fat. Not only eating heavy, spicy and fatty food will make you put on weight but also disturb your sleep andRead More